What an adventure 2017 has been for me personally and professionally! There have been extreme highs and extreme lows. I've lost people I cared about, and I've reconnected with people I've missed. I've met goals I never imaged making and missed goals I'd diligently attempted to make.
In other words, 2017 was a wild roller coaster year.
Now as I think about 2018, I'm reminded of some advice a dear friend of mine gave. She asked, "When you are at your best, what are you doing? Whatever comes to mind, figure out how to bring that to your work."
My answer to her was creativity. When I am at my best, I'm writing. I'm finding creative solutions to problems. I'm challenging others to think of things in a different way. Instead of a standard New Year's resolution, for 2018 I'm going to focus on creativity and how I can bring that to all areas of my life.
Now, I pose my friend's question to you - When you are at your best, what are you doing? How are you going to incorporate that into your 2018 goals and activities?
In other words, 2017 was a wild roller coaster year.
Now as I think about 2018, I'm reminded of some advice a dear friend of mine gave. She asked, "When you are at your best, what are you doing? Whatever comes to mind, figure out how to bring that to your work."
My answer to her was creativity. When I am at my best, I'm writing. I'm finding creative solutions to problems. I'm challenging others to think of things in a different way. Instead of a standard New Year's resolution, for 2018 I'm going to focus on creativity and how I can bring that to all areas of my life.
Now, I pose my friend's question to you - When you are at your best, what are you doing? How are you going to incorporate that into your 2018 goals and activities?