For those of you patiently waiting for Micah's story in Granted, let me assure you that he's almost here. There are a few more finishing touches I need to make. I promise you will see him this month!
In the meantime, I've decided to hold my very first Amazon Countdown Deal. June 2 - 7, Wished will be offered at discounted prices, starting at $0.99! I've heard of people having great responses with this tool, and I've heard of people who were disappointed with the response. After it's over, I'll let you know what my experience was.
In the meantime, I've decided to hold my very first Amazon Countdown Deal. June 2 - 7, Wished will be offered at discounted prices, starting at $0.99! I've heard of people having great responses with this tool, and I've heard of people who were disappointed with the response. After it's over, I'll let you know what my experience was.
Wished is the very first book I published, so it only seems right that it's my very first promotion. I'll be reading it again this month and reliving the story that started my humble writing career. I view the Wished series as my experimental stories. Wished was an experiment simply because I was publishing for the first time. In Denied, I experimented with two points of view with different timelines. For Granted, I have NO female POV's. This is a huge departure for me, and I really struggled with how this story needed to be told. My wise daughter saw me struggling and said, "If it's Micah's story, why not let him tell it?" She was right. The central conflict is whether Micah gets his wish, so it makes sense that the two characters impacted by this decision tell their stories. So, get ready to hear from Micah and Horace in my very first ever male-only POV book!
Before I wrap-up this post, I have to say how incredibly grateful I am to all of you for taking this journey with me. I never imagined as a young girl writing her stories and sharing them with her friends in English class (Sorry, Mrs. Rimer, that we read my stories instead of Beowolf!) that one day I'd have books published and read by diverse people from all over the world. It boggles my mind to think of it. I know I say thank you a lot in my posts, but I honestly don't think I can say it enough. (And if I ever stop saying it, I hope you'll point it out to me!) I'm incredibly lucky and thankful!
Before I wrap-up this post, I have to say how incredibly grateful I am to all of you for taking this journey with me. I never imagined as a young girl writing her stories and sharing them with her friends in English class (Sorry, Mrs. Rimer, that we read my stories instead of Beowolf!) that one day I'd have books published and read by diverse people from all over the world. It boggles my mind to think of it. I know I say thank you a lot in my posts, but I honestly don't think I can say it enough. (And if I ever stop saying it, I hope you'll point it out to me!) I'm incredibly lucky and thankful!